Our method


ISATI S.rl. identifies the exact needs of the client, both as one-off requirements and for ongoing activities. The activities to be undertaken are then matched with an appropriate team of expert technicians or individuals, all with adequate equipment and tools, to provide a continuous and satisfying service. ISATI initially establishes a scope of activities on the basis on the needs of the client.

ISATI arranges the adequate resources for each assignment and ensures that the human element involvement is able to concentrate fully on the assignment with minimum disruption. This is done through local expert management. ISATI sees the ongoing support of the team as a vital part of the service provided.

  • Client contacts ISATI with specif needs | ISATI contacts client with suggested client need

  • ISATI & client discuss and agree requirement

  • ISATI identifies best team and resources / support required


ISATI will determine the equipment needs of each activity, including specialised and bespoke tools. ISATI will also determine the equipment required in-house and individually for each engineer, arranging for the procurement of such equipment where necessary. ISATI verifies with the client the exact nature, amount, investment, and usage of equipment for each project, be it long or short term.


ISATI manages the insurance of every aspect of its business, for foreseeable events of significant magnitude. Some assignments require substantial insurance cover for aircraft, buildings, equipment, vehicles and most importantly human resources. Clients in our field of action must have the tranquillity that events of all types are fully covered insurance-wise.

Through its relationship with a large multinational insurance company “AIG”, ISATI is able to arrange appropriate cover for all types of work packages, programmes and activities.